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Nieaktywny plan opłat kont w Gamebookers

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Forum VIP
Kolega ostatnio do mnie zdziwiony napisał, że z konta mu zniknęło 5 €...
To mu powiedziałem, że pewnie zabrali mu za niekorzystanie z konta.
Pewnie część z użytkowników nie wie o takiej opłacie... mnie Ona nie dotyka bo gram u nich kilka razy w miesiącu.
Ale jak to mówią... dobre info nie jest złe ;)
Choć w tym przypadku to nie do końca dobre info.
Łatwa sprawa. Lepiej nie trzymać kasy jak tam się nie gra.

Nieaktywny plan opłat kont
Inactive Account Fee Schedule
€5.00 EUR*
Note: All fees and charges are subject to change from time to time.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the Inactive Account Fee?
As set out in Clause 11 (Inactive Account Fees) of the Terms and Conditions of Use, the Inactive Account Fee is a monthly administrative charge that is deducted from your account balance if your account is inactive for more than 180 days.
2. When would I have to pay the Inactive Account Fee?
The Inactive Account Fee will be deducted from your account balance on the day following the (end of the) 180-day grace period (i.e., day 181) and then every thirty (30) days thereafter if your account remains inactive.
For example: If the Inactive Account Fee is €5.00 EUR, and your account is inactive for seven (7) months, then you will have to pay a €5.00 EUR charge at the end of the 180-day grace period (day 181) and then every thirty (30) days thereafter if your account remains inactive.
Note: The amount €5.00 EUR is used only as an example. You should consult the Inactive Account Fee Schedule for the Inactive Account Fee amount.
3. How will the Inactive Account Fee be paid?
An amount up to the Inactive Account Fee will automatically be deducted from your account balance by us on the day following the end of the 180-day grace period (day 181) and then every thirty (30) days thereafter (provided your account remains inactive).
4. What if there is no money in my account?
If your account balance is zero and there is no money in your account then no deduction will be made.
Additionally, we will not deduct the full Inactive Account Fee from your account balance if your account balance is less than the Inactive Account Fee amount. However, we have the right to deduct &quot;up to&quot; the Inactive Account Fee amount. This means, for example, that if you have an account balance of €2.00 EUR and the Inactive Account Fee is €5.00 EUR, then we can deduct the €2.00 EUR from your account balance (if your account remains inactive).
5. What if I start using my account again?
If you start using your account by &#39;logging on&#39; to your account using your account name and password and you (i) place a cash wager, or (ii) enter a tournament with a cash entry fee, or (iii) play a raked hand, then your account will be deemed &#39;active&#39; and we will stop deducting the Inactive Account Fee from your account balance from that date.
*Where your Account Currency is a currency other than EUR, the Inactive Account Fee will be converted into your Account Currency at the Exchange Rates offered by Us at the time of deduction from your Account.
Modified/Created 23rd April 2007

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