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suchoparek 1,8K



When you create a new poker account with All In Poker, your account will be credited with 5 Gold Chips within 24 hours after signing up.
The Gold Chips are free and there is no requirements to receive the Gold Chips. At All In Poker, you can use your Gold Chips to play in freerolls or other tournaments with Gold Chips as buy-in. You can earn even more Gold Chips by playing at the real money tables and playing tournaments at All In Poker
Gold Chips are part of our loyalty and reward program, which we call Gold Rewards. You can read all the details by checking out the Gold Rewards page. Apart from gold Chips, you can also earn Gold Cards and Gold Stacks!
5 GOLD CHIPS za rejestracje w AllInPoker .
Gold Chips wykorzystac mozna do:

• SnG
• SnG Satellites

Aby otrzymać 5 Gold Chips należy po zalogowaniu w sofcie wejść do cashiera.
Następnie klikamy na Real Money Account i tam uzupełniamy dane.
W ciągu 24h przyjdzie do na e-mail z potwierdzeniem przyznania Gold Chips
suchoparek 1,8K



You can play in our Facebook freeroll at All In Poker, every thursday evening at 22:00 CET - there are 100 Gold Chips in the prizepool.
You need the password for this free tournament, to be able to register in the poker client.
When you try to register, you will be prompted for a password. You can find the Facebook freeroll in the tournament lobby, just select Private in the Select Game dropdown.
All you need to do, to get the password is to click the Like button on our Facebook page and the password will be released when the freeroll is about to start.
Play in our weekly Facebook Freeroll with 100 Gold Chips in the prizepool! Just click the Like button below and the password will be posted up to the start of the tournament!
All In Poker on Facebook
Cotygodniowy,czwartkowy freeroll dla fanów FaceBooka o godzinie 22:00
W puli 100 Gold Chips które Gold można wykorzystac do:

• SnG
• SnG Satellites
Gra kilkanaście osób
suchoparek 1,8K


The $500 freeroll is only TWO days away!
The $500 freeroll is only TWO days away!
You could be playing in our $500 freeroll this Sunday if you make your first deposit now.
You will get the following when you deposit:
  • Personal ticket to our $500 freeroll on July 24th at 21 CET (3pm ET)
  • 110% in deposit bonus
  • Your personal Find Your Leak analysis highlighting your key area for improvement

When we hosted the $500 tournament last month, 36 players participated (congratulations Dacross for winning!) so you have a really good chance of making some decent money!
Click here to view the available deposit options, and remember, the minimum deposit is only $25.
suchoparek 1,8K


Play In World Poker Tour Grand Prix de Paris (WPT)
Final call for flight AF1565 to Paris
There is only ONE last qualifier left if you want the chance to win a $12,500 package and go to Paris between September 1st - 11th.
The final qualifier is played Sunday next week (August 28th) at 23:00 CET (5pm ET), and buy-in is $268.

If you want to buy in for less, we run lots of qualifiers every day starting from only $0.20.
Play In World Poker Tour Grand Prix de Paris

All In Poker is offering packages to the World Poker Tour Grand Prix de Paris.
The live tournament is hosted at the world famous Aviation Club de France in the heart of Paris, running from September 1st to 11th 2011.

Players can win an All In Poker package worth $12,500 with satellites running daily from July 4th to August 28th.
Satellites are available to the final for as little as $0.20, or buy-in directly to the World Poker Tour Paris $12,500 Final, which is taking place monthly on Sunday, July 31st 2011 and Sunday, August 28th 2011. Good luck at the tables!
See the full schedule of satellites and finals below. Check the poker client and look under Tournaments -&gt; Satellites.

  • WPT Paris $12,500 Final
  • Monthly: July 31st &amp; August 28th
  • $250 + $18 One WPT Grand Prix de Paris prize package per $12,500 in the prize pool.

  • WPT Paris $12,500 Semi-Final
  • Daily: 6am, 2pm, 10pm - $27.50 + $2.50
  • One WPT Grand Prix de Paris Final seat per $268 in the prize pool.

  • WPT Paris $12,500 Satellite
  • Daily: 3am, 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm - $5 + $0.50
  • One WPT Grand Prix de Paris Semi-Final seat per $30 in the prize pool.

  • WPT Paris $12,500 Super Satellite
  • Every 4 hours starting at 12am - $0.90 + $0.10
  • One WPT Grand Prix de Paris Satellite seat per $5.50 in the prize pool.

  • WPT Paris $12,500 Super Super Satellite
  • Every 2 hours starting at 1am - $0.10 + $0.10
  • One WPT Grand Prix de Paris Super Satellite seat per $1 in the prize pool.


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